
When Should I think About Getting a New Hot Water System Sorted?

A question like this has a variety of answers, so take a look below for what to look out for, so that you will be fully aware of when it’s time to change your old water heater.

The Tank is Leaking, But I Don’t Know Where

Frequently, the first sign you will notice that a hot water tank needs replacing is when it is leaking. Should the tank be six years old or more, and has a leak that you can’t locate, it may have gotten to the point where it has degraded. It may also be leaking through either a sidewall seam, a welded joint, or possibly the case of a steel thread having rusted through. Unfortunately, such problems are unrepairable, so get a plumbing expert in and your tank replaced.

The Water isn’t That Hot Anymore

If you’re having to turn up the temperature setting on the gas valve or the thermostat setting on an electric tank, you can be sure that your tank is rapidly approaching the end of its lifespan. Rust on the inner part of your tank has either rusted up the dip tube, coated the electric elements, or over-used the gas valve. It’s definitely time to consult with the professional and affordable Prestige Plumbers in Southampton, to check the whole system. A plumbing expert will inspect everything and then provide you with advice on what should be done.

The Drainage Valve is Open, and Still No Water

Everyone should make a habit of draining their hot water tank at least once over the course of a year, to get rid of any sediment which has settled at the bottom of the tank. So many people just plain forget or neglect to carry out this simple plumbing task. Out of all the tanks that happen to get replaced, 1 in 5 of them are so chock full of sediment, that the water must be vacuum pumped from the top of the tank! Draining your tank once or more a year will give it a longer life and doesn’t take that long.

Sediment is Not Your Friend

When a hot water tank has too much of a layer of sediment inside, it will quickly degrade the bottom part of the tank. Eventually this will make the flame burn for a much longer time, due to the sediment acting like a barrier between the flame and the water which is being heated up. Maybe you have heard about “bottoms falling out” of a water tank? (And water going everywhere) Well, now you know just why that occurs..

A Simple Replacement

If you open the drain valve, and no water appears, try pumping some water out of the top and vacuum out the sludge. (If you have a wet vacuum cleaner).

However, being realistic, your tank has already degraded enough for you to really consider a replacement, and sooner better than later!

That hot water feels nice, right? Keep it that way!

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